Masters Harbor Ministries
Where one can find peace from the storms of life.
Meet Our Staff

Elmer Warren - Senior Pastor/Founder (Pictured with his dear friend, Kim)
On April 19, 1997, Elmer was called by his Father in Heaven to confess his sins, receive his salvation and become one of God's children. On April 20, 1997, he made a public declaration that he was a child of God and received God's Holy Spirit. Elmer quickly realized what a wonderful gift he had received and decided to share his testimony with whoever would listen or not walk away. Seven years later, God called Elmer to start what would become Master's Harbor Ministries. Beginning as a simple minister of the word, in March 2010, Elmer received his ordination as an Independent Christian Pastor. With the support of his staff and the active involvement of Master's Harbor members, (aka, fellow Servants), Master's Harbor has grown across 14 states, Jamaica, Canada and England. Elmer believes it is not only important to believe in God, but to know God, have a close personal relationship with God and serve God through sharing our own personal testimonies and praying for others. Elmer believes that by sharing our testimonies, we share the knowledge that God is very much alive and active in every life that invites Him in, and by praying for others, we are fulfilling Christ's desire for us to love others as we love ourselves. His greatest desire is to grow God's kingdom; utilizing the gifts God has provided to him and his fellow Servants. Elmer is currently retired and resides in Warrensburg, Missouri with his wife, Debbie. He loves fishing, golfing and people. At least until they get behind the wheel of a car.

Kyle Ray - Associate Pastor
Kyle serves as a Pastoral Assistant on staff. His greatest passion is sharing the Lord with others. His role is serve the staff and ministry in anyway possible. Rather preaching/teaching or website design. He lives in Gladstone with his beautiful wife Carrie. He has two kids Matthew and Caley. His day job is Maintenance Coordinator at Premium Waters in Riverside Missouri. He studied many places including Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Ligonier Academy, and is currently studying a one year elder leadership program at Western Seminary. He currently attends and serves at Revolution Church in Riverside Missouri. Hobbies include studying Black Dragon Kenpo (martial arts), be involved with Northern Nights Toastmasters Club (a professional development club), Watching football, and hanging with friends and family.

Jim Harmon - Prayer Minister
Jim's primary responsibilities are to monitor prayer requests and updates for the ministry. Jim has an active enthusiasm for prayer, and is always eager to help members interested in learning more about the power of prayer. Jim is a gifted Gospel Singer, and actively ministers through his singing at Churches, Nursing Homes, and Hospitals. He has been a very valuable addition to Masters Harbor. Jim currently lives in Sedalia, Missouri with his wife Cindy. Both are retired and living the good life.

Jacque Porch - Outreach Minister
Jacque is a driving force within the ministry. Her fresh innovative ideas, work ethic, attitude and enthusiasm are absolutely contagious. Jacque's focus has been on outreach to our members in need, while at the same time, providing other members the opportunity to become more involved in the ministry. To accomplish these tasks, Jacque has developed and oversees the Circle of Servants, a part of the ministry designed around members serving members. She is a true prayer warrior and a wonderful servant of the Lord. She currently resides in Kansas City, Missouri, with her husband Chuck.
Chuck Porch - Pastor's Assistant
Chuck was added to the Staff to update and maintain the devotional page for Pastor Elmer, however he quickly became an extremely valuable member of the team. His ability to foresee the needs of the members and ways of meeting those needs has helped our Pastors and Ministers in designing programs that positively impact the lives of the Servants we serve. Chuck is also not above rolling up his sleeves and making things happen, thereby freeing up other Staff members to focus on their assigned responsibilities.
Comment from the Pastor: God has truly blessed me with such a wonderful group of people to serve with. Each has a love for the Father that no man, nor even Satan himself, can challenge. Their hard work and dedication to this ministry and it's members is priceless, even though they receive no compensation for their work. I am fortunate to have them, not only as my coworkers in this wonderful ministry, but also as my friends... Pastor Elmer